Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wish Me Luck Tomorrow!!!!

Is the day that I'll present my new research topic to my supervisor...
I hope all my plan running smoothly....
I hope supervisor accept my new topic....
I hope my tongue will clearly define the new topic to him....

I hope everything just find tomorrow...
Wish me luck all.....


  1. Boone Chance!
    (tu dalam bahasa france maksudnya good luck!..

    owh tips kalau masa present gugup@nervous..(ni lecturer aku ajar)

    1)minum air soya@makan pisang..ia boleh mengurangkan perasaan gugup.

    2)pegang something di tangan,contoh pen atau pensil..kalau takut genggam benda itu.

    3)kalau kita present berdiri,jangan takut untuk berjalan2 dalam lingkungan yang kecil sekitar tempat present,at least kaki tak shacking..

    good luck.
    owh,aku hendak berkawan dengan blogger2 semua,harap kau sudi jadi antara kawan aku..hope kita support each other okey.:)

  2. Good Luck to u dude!
    Believe in yourself!
    Ganbate!! XD
